Hey Nitromians,
Rustbucket has had a second huge new update and this time we've mainly been focusing on WEAPONS! There are 10 brand new weapon themed stages set inside a huge fire temple for you to fight through with lots of cool new mechanics and puzzles.
Also for those of you still enjoying the endless mode weve added a shop to the mix... FINALLY a real way to spend all of that gold.
Each weapon has been balanced to have its own plus and minus points. A Bow might be handy at long range attacks but is far less effective upclose than say a mighty battle axe. There is even a new way to smash those annoying statues thanks to the huge warhammer weapon, so there is no excuse not to "smash" your highscores.
Happy gamng =)
p.s We know we have neglected the site a lot of late. You'll find that we are very active on Twitter (@nitrome) due to it being just so easy to pick up and quickly post at any time of day. There has been a lot of news that you might have missed, but we aim to post the most important pieces here for you all to enjoy.
Needless to say there are plenty of amazing new games that we are working on right now, so stay tuned!