Hi Nitromian’s and Nitrome Jam developers,
You’ve probably noticed that we have been struggling to get all of the game Jam entries live on the NitromeJam page and also that various elements such as ‘comments’ on those pages and ‘voting’ are not functioning correctly.
Firstly we would like to say a huge SORRY for this!
We thought we had everything in place for this to run smoothly as an event, but we made some mistakes and we want to hold our hands up to that. Should we run another #Nitromejam again (and we hope we will as the entries have been great) we will learn from this and be sure to have a more stable system in place next time.
One major problem we have had means that we are not actually sure we have all the entries up. We certainly missed some of them and only found out via twitter or emails from the developers that they existed. We now have all of the games live that we know about, but we are painfully aware that there could be others that we have still missed. If you are a developer in such a situation please do drop us an email and we will be sure to get your game on the page asap.
We will be fixing the comments on the pages and making sure that it is clear that voting only works if you are logged in and that you can see your vote still if you revisit the page. There are also a few tweaks were going to add to make things better.
We intend to have all of this finished as quickly as we can and get any further games finally live. Once this happens we think it is only fair to reset the votes and give a clear timescale for when voting will close.
We hope these problems do not have a huge impact on your enjoyment of the lovely entries we have had for Nitrome Jam 2014.